Building products

All applications of the purificator

The Waterloop purificators, make the domestic wastewater appropriate for discharge on stream (surface water), on the ground, at sea or suitable for reuse in irrigation, recharge toilet bowls, etc..

1. In RESTRUCTURING, Waterloop purificators can be used for the treatment of surface water of the Imhoff tank in order to make them suitable to discharge.

2. In INDEPENDENT HOUSES, CAMPING, BUNGALOW not served by the sewer system, the wastewater can be treated independently and possibly reuse the purified water for cleaning and irrigation.

3. In NEW CONSTRUCTIONS AND GREEN BUILDING it is possible to realize low environmental impact housing units, even in panoramic and suggestive positions, limiting the use and deterioration of water resources.

A purificator for every need

For more informations send us an email or give us a call on +39 (02) 36695438